miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Movie Review...

This movie is based on the Jane's Austen novel.

This is the classical love story that takes place in England, in the XVIII century. It’s about Elizabeth Benet (Keira Knightley) who’s intelligent and with a strong character, and Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) who’s in appearance a very proud man.

When the rich and handsome Bingley comes to a nearby mansion with his sister Caroline and his dearest friend Mr. Darcy, immediately Mrs. Benet tries to introduce her daughters to the wealthy man, with the intention to marry him with one of them. And the one who caught his attention is the elder one, Jane who’s a very beautiful woman. But the way that the Benet family behaves gave too much to wish. And that’s why the closest friend of Bingley, Mr. Darcy, interference to end the relationship.

When Mr. Darcy notes that he’s completely in love with Lizzy, she had already hated him, because the way he behaves shows that he is a very proud and prejudice man. And the day he tells Lizzy about his feelings and asks her to married him, she refuses him knowing that he was the only one who can be blame about the sadness of her sister and Mr. Bingley.

After a time she realizes that he isn’t the man she thought he was, and is there when she start to fall in love with him ♥.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Back pain remedies....

If you try these things, they can help people to avoid back pain, wich is very common. Excercising, losing weight and maintaining good posture are important. Practice standing tall, with your head up and your shoulders back and sitting straight, but not slouching . Slouching is bad for the spine. It's also bad for blood circulation. So keep your back against the back of the chair, keep your feet flat on the floor, and, keep your knees slightly higher than your hips.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009

Letter....... ♥

Dear Mom:

I’m feeling a little sad knowing that you and dad are some kind of depressed, but I can assure you that I’m fine, I just find a new job and I like it, I’m the assistant of the manager in a Hotel that’s nearby to my house. I think is the perfect job for me right now, so I won’t need you to keep sending money for me. And thanks any ways to try to find me a workplace in there, but I won’t need it.

Well I’m glad that Pete Dove is doing great, but being
honest I don’t remember him. Did we use to go the high school together? By the way I’m seeing a boy, he used to have some classes with me in College and now we’re dating. His name is Robert and we’re doing great. I hope you can meet him in the next holidays.

That’s all for now, I love you mom. I hope see you soon. Give my best to dad.



sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Holiday....... ^^

Well, I saw that everyone put this in theirs blog, so I assume that I have to upload mine.

The day we agreed it has to be a holiday it was the February 24th which is the “Flag Day” and the reason for that was:

Because it’s a patriotic symbol that represents us around the world.

And the things that we should do to commemorate this day are:

Wear the colours: red, white and green.
Eat only Mexican food.
Decorate every place with those colours.

Ad.... ^^


The colonial town where you can feel like you are in home.

Known as the “Cuidad de los Ángeles”. This city has a lot of colonial buildings such as the Cathedral; which is a perfect example of the architectural beauty of the town. Its gastronomy it is known around the world with food like chiles en nogada y mole poblano with world fame.

And in its traditional markets you can find Handcrafted products like the Talavera with world fame as well, paintings in amate paper and some designs in marmol and onyx. Here you can find a natural beauty where you can do some outdoors activities, and do not forget visiting places like the national park Izta-popo, the national park La Malinche and the biosphere reserve of the tehuacan valley, which is the biggest in the world.


Night life.
Puebla has a lot of places in which you can enjoy the night life of the town. In there you can drink while you taste the typical Mexican food, also you can find different choices to different types of mood, with different music and rhythms which it will make you dance. We recommend visiting the bars and restaurants which are in downtown.

Between these alleys, squares and markets you will find everything that you need to decorate your house with antiques, rustic furniture and some talavera pieces, you can find it in places like the Callejon de los Sapos, the Parian market and the victoria market. Also if you want to do some shopping in the malls, you can go to Angelipolis, Plaza Cristal, Loreto, and the Millennium mall.

Come here and spend the vacation of you life… you will not regret it.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

thnksgiving day

This is an exercise that we do in class... I understood that we have to post it like we write it. Someone do it a little bit diferente... I'm not saying names but his blog is something like Nes... coff coff... well I don't remember how it goes (: ... But here is my homework (A)
In 1602 a 101 emigrant came to the new world, running away from religius persecution. They atttacked Native americans out of fear but when the winter arrived hunting was made difficult and survivors to that harsh season could see those native americans were not as bad as they thought, because they share food and turkeys with them and since then Americans have made this a national celebration wich is know as "Thanksgiving Day".

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

HW ¬¬'

Psychiatrist: How are you today?
Blanca: Well, I’m feeling a little tired, I haven’t slept like I should.
Psychiatrist: oh I see, and why do you think is that?
Blanca: actually I think is because I’m having the same dream, well nightmare if I had to be specific, and when I start dreaming it I just wake up.
Psychiatrist: and what is your dream about?
Blanca: mmmmm.. all begin when I’m in a restaurant with my friends hanging around.. You know?
Psychiatrist: yes, go on?
Blanca: and then all of the sudden vampires came in and they start to attack us and I can’t see anything else besides of all the blood.
Psychiatrist: and what is that scare you the most? It is because of the vampires or what else?
Blanca: I think is because of the blood. Since I was a child I’m afraid of blood. I don’t know why, but every time I see it, I just feel sick. I can’t stand it.
Psychiatrist: oh,. And have you do something before you go to sleep?
Blanca: yes, in my house always watch TV shows about surgery. And that’s the last thing I see before I get on the bed.
Psychiatrist: mmmmmmm. Ok I think that your problem is that. Because you saw all this programs before you went to sleep. It’s why you are having those dreams. I suggest you to stop seeing those tv programs. And if the problem continues please feel free to come back.

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009


The sleep habits that I have are that I need to take a shower before I went to sleep and I have to be in my pj’s and if I sleep with someone else, usually I just stay in a little part of the bed, and I don’t move in all night. But the most important is that I need to have a really good pillow, because if I don’t, I can’t sleep well in all night.

And my sleeping problems are that if I drink soda, coffee or something with caffeine I won’t sleep or I’ll be awake until the 4 or 5 of the morning. When I was a child I used to be a sleepwalker, but what I have heard that it is genetic, my father and my grandmother used to have the same problem. And other of my problems is that I usually have nightmares, but I don’t know why I have it, my mom says that I have it since I was a baby.