domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009


The sleep habits that I have are that I need to take a shower before I went to sleep and I have to be in my pj’s and if I sleep with someone else, usually I just stay in a little part of the bed, and I don’t move in all night. But the most important is that I need to have a really good pillow, because if I don’t, I can’t sleep well in all night.

And my sleeping problems are that if I drink soda, coffee or something with caffeine I won’t sleep or I’ll be awake until the 4 or 5 of the morning. When I was a child I used to be a sleepwalker, but what I have heard that it is genetic, my father and my grandmother used to have the same problem. And other of my problems is that I usually have nightmares, but I don’t know why I have it, my mom says that I have it since I was a baby.

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