miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Movie Review...

This movie is based on the Jane's Austen novel.

This is the classical love story that takes place in England, in the XVIII century. It’s about Elizabeth Benet (Keira Knightley) who’s intelligent and with a strong character, and Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) who’s in appearance a very proud man.

When the rich and handsome Bingley comes to a nearby mansion with his sister Caroline and his dearest friend Mr. Darcy, immediately Mrs. Benet tries to introduce her daughters to the wealthy man, with the intention to marry him with one of them. And the one who caught his attention is the elder one, Jane who’s a very beautiful woman. But the way that the Benet family behaves gave too much to wish. And that’s why the closest friend of Bingley, Mr. Darcy, interference to end the relationship.

When Mr. Darcy notes that he’s completely in love with Lizzy, she had already hated him, because the way he behaves shows that he is a very proud and prejudice man. And the day he tells Lizzy about his feelings and asks her to married him, she refuses him knowing that he was the only one who can be blame about the sadness of her sister and Mr. Bingley.

After a time she realizes that he isn’t the man she thought he was, and is there when she start to fall in love with him ♥.